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  1. genres=Thriller
  2. Story=Ava is a deadly assassin who works for a black ops organization, traveling the globe specializing in high profile hits. When a job goes dangerously wrong she is forced to fight for her own survival
  3. Country=USA
  4. Tomatometers=5,7 of 10 star
  5. liked it=8037 Votes

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Ava 2020 Movie Download In italiano di. Ava 2020 movie download in italiano gratis. Ava 2020 movie download in italiano full. Ava 2020 movie download in italiano completo. Ava 2020 movie download in italiano streaming.

Ava 2020 movie download in italiano english. Ava 2020 movie download in italiano romana. So. this is yet another predictable and lame action movie with a flimsy female character that we are supposed to believe could kill any man 10 times her size and weight with her bare hands. OK. Let's hire a construction crane and suspend our disbelief for about 90 minutes. Now we have to believe that there is a secret "black-ops" organisation of assassins who identify themselves with lengthy digit sequences each time they pick up the phone, but. who actually know each other. Let's get another crane. and next we have to believe that the all-knowing boss who lives a secluded life by a lake with his family (in an absolutely gorgeous house) has trained her also flimsy teenage daughter to be an assassin. Let's get another crane. and so on, and so forth. br> Jessica Chastain, Colin Farrel, John Malkovich. What a waste of talent. Or what better example that money can buy anything?
I give it 2 stars: one for the movie poster, another for the fight scenes. Great job there (I wonder. if there wasn't such remarkable fight choreographers at Hollywood nowadays. would this movie have ever been produced.

Ava 2020 movie download in italiano free. Ava 2020 movie download in italiano inglese. Ava 2020 Movie Download in italiano. Ava 2020 movie download in italiano theaters. Ava 2020 movie download in italiano 2017. When i noticed the cast ensemble here, I was ready for something a bit more intense and structured. And with those exceptions at hand, it plays the opposite of that.
The films hits as it was rushed, as the actors could not work long on their scenes, and the action scenes where limited by budget and time constraints.
The editing also sometimes hurts, as some of the action scenes are messy and even normal conversations are thrown off by stressed cuts.
There is so much room here for something amazing, a female jason bourne with a proper story and in-depth personality is probably some of the goals. But it plays of as one mixed the dish together a bit to fast, like someone kept telling them to hurry.
Also there is a suspected unbalance of the budget, as it is used on all of its major actors present. And then the unbalance pushes the remaining film schedule into a stressful venture.
Everyone in their leads play their scenes as good as they can, the support cast is not weak, they just lack a depth, the action scenes work sometimes but then fails on their next interconnected scene, when it just looks bad. Its like a roller coaster, fun sometimes, but way to long going upwards and then rushed into a short speedy downhill.






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